
Poll: Where Next? Help us decide.

So, as we heading south to the Chesapeake to wait out the rest of the hurricane season, we are trying to figure out where we are going to go from there. We will have to obviously head further south to be warm through the winter. Our boat is not very well set up for wintering. We have a heater but it would mean running our generator more than we do now that we have the new improved batteries. We would prefer not to do this. Plus, being cold for the last week, we can see how it is easier to be on a boat in warm weather. Water is easier to deal with when you have bare feet and bare legs than when you are wearing pants. Instead, we have to add in our foul-weather gear. Which we can do, but we prefer not to have to. We have to be out of the US by November 15th so likely that will take us to the Bahamas first, but then do we plan to go east or west? We really can’t decide.

Dressed for cooler weather.
What we want to get back to.

So, our potential routes are as follows:

If we go east, then we will go through the Bahamas and then down to Puerto Rico and the British Virgin Islands and eastern Carribean until about April. Then we can cross the Atlantic, as previously planned, but going through Bermuda and on to the Azores. We would then have about 2 months maximum in Europe.

Or, we can go west, from the Bahamas, we would head back to Florida Keys before heading for the east coast of Mexico. From there, we would go to the Cayman Islands and then to the Panama Canal and through it (which is pricey). After that, we can do the South Pacific, ending in Australia, or we can go up the west coast to Mexico’s Sea of Cortez, ending a little early.

Rough map of options. Poll below.

We would love your opinion! Really, we know we would have an adventure either way. Which would be more satisfying for our family? We like a mix of culture and beaches. We wanted to do Europe but also don’t want to rush it. I have put a poll below and you can also comment with your thoughts. Thanks!

Where Next?

Where should we head to next?


  • Trish

    I love the idea of going through the Panama Canal and sailing into the Sea of Cortez. It’s a tough choice because there is so much to see and limited time.
    If you do go through the Panama Canal….. maybe I can join you there 😁
    Love Mum/Nanna

  • Monica G.

    Going through the Panama Canal and traveling to Australia would be an awesome experience. The weather will definitely get better and warmer once heading south to Australia. The family can spend time on the beautiful beaches and snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. I do know the Panama Canal is backlogged with boats going through due to the lack of water. I’m not sure if this would effect sail boats or just cargo ships? Maybe sailing back up to Seattle and dock your beautiful boat there for future trips and easy access. Thank you for asking us for our opinion. Have a fantastic time!!!!
    Monica G.

  • Ryan and Leah Smith

    Kevin and Jennie,

    Go south to the Bahamas and stay for a little so we can meet up. We are a family of seven (G13, G11, B8, B6 and B6m) and will also be on an FB Eleuthera in the Bahamas. Please email us so we can connect. Thanks -Ryan and Leah Smith

  • Keely Kastrukoff

    I think it would be really cool to spend time in Mexico. Soak up the language, culture, music, art, FOOD!
    Though wherever you go will be the right choice. 🙂

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